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Volunteer online anytime

How does text about it work?

Text About It is a free 24/7 text-based non-judgemental listening service. Texters reach out from all around Ireland, about everything from being at the height of a panic attack, being bullied at school, having relationship issues, and experiencing suicidal thoughts. Our aim is to provide immediate support in the short term and connect people to resources that will help them in the future.


Text About It Volunteering is a challenging and rewarding role. Volunteers will receive high-quality training from the comfort of their homes and at a pace that they decide. Volunteers report that the skills have enhanced their professional and personal lives.

Volunteers support our texters on our 24/7, free, and anonymous service, via their laptops from the comfort of their homes. Text About It is a text-based non-judgemental listening service. Texters reach out from all around Ireland, about everything from being at the height of a panic attack, being bullied at school, having relationship issues, and experiencing suicidal thoughts. Our volunteers provide a safe space for texters to express and explore how they are feeling and support them to reach a point of calm.

Volunteers always have a staff member supervising and supporting them while they are messaging with a texter.

As a volunteer you will

  • Support texters through mental health challenges by responding to text messages via a secure platform on your laptop in a non-judgmental way.

  • Become part of a volunteer community with 300 volunteers

  • Have opportunities to continue to develop your skills and further learning.

  • Text About It Volunteers master the skills to show empathy through text, create a solid self-care routine, and join a community of volunteers from across the country. The communication approaches explored in the training programme and used with texters are transferable to other situations while the peer-to-peer learning and support between volunteers and supervisors means Volunteers, just like the texters, are never alone.



  • We ask that our volunteers commit to volunteering for 200 hours with us. This can be achieved through a 2 x 2 hour shift each week for 1 year, or 1 x 2 hour shift per week for two years. Though of course, we hope you stay longer.

  • There are optional learning opportunities and occasional mandatory training. 

  • There is an online community and learning hub that all volunteers are expected to engage with to stay up to date with news, policies, and learning. 

Volunteers can choose the times and days that they take their shifts, any time day or night, weekday or weekend. We are currently looking for volunteers for all shifts.

“My volunteer was fantastic. I have tried face to face therapy before but I didn't find it that helpful. The anonymity of the text line was really helpful. My volunteers encouragement, kind words and understanding allowed me to share my thoughts and express myself. Thank you again for this wonderful service.”


What do I need to become a volunteer?

  • Volunteers need to have access to a secure and stable internet connection, as well as a PC or laptop to work from. The training and platform do not work on mobile phones or tablets.

  • You will need fluency in reading and writing in English.

  • You do not need to have any particular qualifications or experience to volunteer with us, all training is provided. 

What is involved in training?

The minimum hours for training is 30 hours over 6 weeks, then a 2-4 hour commitment per week as a volunteer.

During the training, you will:

  • Learn key skills such as active listening, how to risk assess for suicide, and crisis management and how to utilise these skills in a text based service.

  • Access certified training such as the Children’s First certificate and the HSE Land LGBTQIA+ Awareness and Inclusion training. You will also receive specific training that has been developed in conjunction with Pavee Point, on how to support members of the Traveller community.

Benefits of volunteering with us

  • Volunteer from anywhere - all you need is a laptop/computer and a strong internet connection

  • Volunteer at times that suit you - choose times that suit your schedule - day or night

  • Train online at your own pace - all our training happens online and is self-paced

  • Incredible flexibility - volunteering with Text About It is flexible and fits around what’s happening in your life

  • Support at every step - volunteers are supported by our amazing staff every step of the way

  • Be a part of something great - join an amazing community of volunteers!

Signing Up

The volunteering process starts with our sign-up form, which takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. Once you have submitted your application form and your references have been checked, you can sign up for an upcoming training class. During training, you will be assigned a personal coach to guide and support you.